Upload, Share, Download and Manage Files

Collabow brings cloud storage, transfers, collaboration and task management together.
A cloud workspace where you save your documents and files then access them from any device, anywhere.
Upload,  Share, Transfer, manage, chat & collaborate.
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  • For personal, education, social & family
  • Free profile. No card needed
  • Send files to anyone, at anytime
  • Share your docs quickly with teammates
  • Web-based, available on all devices
  • No registration is required


  • Instant, uploads shares and transfers
  • Cloud storage (for 7 days)
  •  Easy to use, includes drag & drop
  • Quick file share
  • Email share
  • URL transfer links
  • Public share and web links
  • File and Folder share
  • Bulk uploads
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  • For Business, work and teams
  • For personal, education, friends and family
  • Keeping organised and delivering projects
  • Register for more productivity features
  • Business class features available
  • Get Started for free; no ads, no hassle


    • Cloud workspace and storage
    • Instant, uploads shares and transfers
    • Email secure share and links
    • Public share and public links
    • Chat and collaborate
    • Folder share and bulk uploads
    • Task management and To-Do lists
    • Alerts and notifications
    • and much more features

Who should use Collabow?

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For Personal

Stay organised by uploading, storing, and managing files in a private space or sharing them with friends, family and contacts. Collaborate on plans, trips, documents, pictures, schoolwork and everything that is important.

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For Work

Work closely with customers, suppliers and partners, sharing up-to-date information in real-time. Transfer company information quickly to take advantage of every sales opportunity and keep ahead of the competition.

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For Teams

Work seamlessly with teammates on projects and share information that helps get the job done. Stay in sync on tasks, ensuring that you work as efficiently & effectively as possible, on-site, at home or working remotely.

Read more to understand how Collabow can help you

Collabow is a digital workspace that allows teams to upload and share files in the cloud while collaborating, communicating, and managing their projects using task management and workflows.

Do much more with Collabow

Manage your files the way they should be, organise your life content, take control of your data all in one place.
We add new features frequently, so keep a lookout for improvements that will help you achieve your mission.


Upload and Share

Collabow is the quick, convenient and easy way to send a draft file or final version to colleagues and clients, whether those files are small or chunky. Receive notifications when files are sent and set passwords to ensure the content is safe.



Start a topic-based discussion around the contents of a file or document. Chat about needed changes, give feedback or describe the steps to move from a draft to a final version. If in doubt, send an emoji to keep it short.


Folder Sharing

Send an individual file or share a whole folder for effortless file-sharing of multiple documents, images, or videos. Folder share comes equipped with a quick view feature so that your sharers can view the files quickly and conveniently.

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To-Do & Task Management

Use the task manager to list the changes and actions in a handy list that is located beside the file helping to regain clarity and improve productivity by getting all those tasks out of your head, organised and ready to be completed.

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Notification and Alerts

Get notified of important events in real-time, ensuring that you and your team remain up-to-date and synchronised with your contacts and consistently access the latest information promptly.

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Filters and Folders

Use filters and tags rather than traditional folders to help organise your files and content, allowing your information to be accessed, identified and located efficiently, and preventing them from being misplaced.

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See a time-based view of your uploads and shares to help monitor how busy you are throughout the year, while quickly identify peak activity and traffic uploads.

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File Management

Including version history, permission management, password locks, tracking, socials, file properties, asset management, folder filter management, activities, favourites, recycle bin and smart search..

Get Started