
operations cloud storage management

How can a Digital Workspace help my company achieve its goals?

Collabow is a digital workplace that uses the latest tools and technologies to enable new and effective ways of working, improving overall employee productivity, engagement, and collaboration with external partners or customers and increasing an organisation’s agility.
Utilising a digital workspace can allow managers and leaders to digitise the operation, allowing teams to work remotely and eliminate single points of failure.
Whether in a Workplace or Workspace, employees can Collabow to meet with co-workers, discuss work, brainstorm, conduct meetings, and get work done.
A digital workspace includes all the online tools and processes needed to complete your work promptly.
Each company or department can have a digital environment for individual teams or all employees. In the digital workplace, it is commonplace that solo workers can come to work collaboratively.
The main aim behind a digital workplace is to help employees work together seamlessly without any disruption, whether in the office or remotely. A digital workplace can help operations streamline and automate their internal business processes.
A digital workspace allows companies to avoid common pitfalls, such as using outdated and disjointed tools to attempt to solve complex problems. Teams should be encouraged to have a single source of truth rather than access several disconnected systems to piece together data fragments.
Digital workspaces are a natural replacement for outdated physical workstations or office cubicles. They are private or shared spaces where employees and teams can be creative in their day-to-day duties, fulfilling their daily responsibilities and getting work done.
Leaders should deploy digital workspaces to standardise working methods for teams and the organisation. More benefits are realised when organisations actively gather data on areas that need improvement to determine how employees can work more effectively.
Digitally powered workspaces help align people, processes, and technology in organisations more closely. If you are looking for ways to improve your operation, then it’s high time you consider using to help maximise benefits, improve productivity, boost sales, and improve communication and collaboration while streamlining operations.

At Collabow, we frequently deploy upgrades that improve employees’ communication and collaboration. Keep checking the platform for new features, and contact our support team if you need assistance introducing the platform to your business.

We like free stuff, so we’ve provided a ‘Starter’ profile that will get you started. The ‘Starter’ profile is free, so you can use it for business, play or personal usage. You can learn more about our packages at more about the available features here.


operations cloud storage management

Embracing the Future: Why Digitising Your Operations is essential for Businesses

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the importance of digital transformation cannot be overstated. As we gear up for 2024, companies are presented with a golden opportunity to streamline their operations, enhance productivity, and future-proof their business by embracing digital workspaces. The transition to a digital workspace is not just a trend; it’s a strategic move that promises to revolutionise how companies operate, communicate, collaborate, and innovate. Let’s delve into why digitising your operations during 2024 and 2024 is not just a choice but a necessity.

1. Enhanced Agility in a Dynamic Market:

The business world is more dynamic and unpredictable than ever before. Rapid changes in consumer preferences, industry trends, and global events can disrupt traditional business models. Embracing digital workspaces empowers companies to swiftly adapt to these changes, making them more agile in responding to market demands. Cloud-based collaboration tools, project management platforms, and virtual communication solutions enable teams to collaborate seamlessly from any location, ensuring business continuity despite unforeseen challenges.

2. Optimised Efficiency and Productivity:

In the pursuit of operational excellence, efficiency and productivity are paramount. Manual and paper-based processes often introduce bottlenecks and inefficiencies that hinder growth. By transitioning to digital operations, businesses can automate routine tasks, eliminate paperwork, and streamline workflows. This not only reduces human error but also allows employees to focus on high-value tasks that drive innovation, customer experience, sales and growth.

3. Empowering Remote Work:

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift towards remote work, and this trend is here to stay. Digital workspaces provide the infrastructure needed for remote and hybrid work models. With the right tools in place, teams can collaborate, communicate, and share resources as if they were in the same physical location. This not only boosts employee morale but also expands the talent pool by enabling companies to hire from anywhere in the world.

4. Data-Driven Decision Making:

In the digital age, data is a valuable asset that can drive strategic decision-making. By digitising operations, companies can collect, analyse, and leverage data to gain insights into customer behaviour, market trends, and operational performance. These insights enable informed decisions that fuel innovation, improve customer experiences, and ultimately lead to better business outcomes.

5. Enhanced Security and Compliance:

Data security and regulatory compliance are top priorities for businesses across industries. Digital workspaces offer advanced security features, such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, and secure data storage, to safeguard sensitive information. Moreover, digital tools make it easier to adhere to industry-specific regulations and compliance standards, reducing the risk of costly legal repercussions or the ability to locate important information promptly.

6. Sustainability and Cost Savings:

As environmental concerns continue to grow, businesses are under increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices. Digitising operations reduces the need for physical resources, such as paper and office supplies, leading to a smaller ecological footprint. Additionally, digital processes often result in cost savings related to printing, storage, and manual labour.

7. Competitive Advantage:

Staying ahead in today’s competitive landscape requires innovation and differentiation. Companies that embrace digital workspaces can differentiate themselves by offering faster response times, more personalised services, and seamless customer experiences. This competitive edge can lead to increased customer loyalty and market share.

In Conclusion

The decision to digitise operations in 2024 is a strategic imperative for businesses that seek to thrive in a rapidly changing world. By enhancing agility, optimising efficiency, empowering remote work, embracing data-driven insights, bolstering security, and reaping the benefits of sustainability, companies can position themselves as leaders in their respective industries. The digital workspace revolution is underway, and those who seize the opportunity stand to reap the rewards for years to come. is a Digital Workspace that provides cloud storage, document management, collaboration and task management tools that help teams create, organise, share, and monitor online content in one place. 
A highly engaged team is the holy grail of business success, so ensure your teams have the information to achieve their goals by using

We like free stuff, so we’ve provided a ‘Starter’ profile that will get you started. The ‘Starter’ profile is free, so you can use it for business, play or personal usage. You can learn more about our packages at more about the available features here.


How to use a Task Management tool

How do task management tools help with project management?

Juggling multiple projects that each involve many tasks, departments, team members, and a slew of other responsibilities ensure that a good manager’s head will constantly be running from the minute they wake up until well after they’ve gone to sleep. To keep things simpler and more organised, the best managers utilise a task manager. Task management tools are loaded with features and functionality that help teams, and managers collaborate better, create to-do lists, and stay organised across multiple tasks, projects, and offices.

What Exactly is a Task Management tool?

Task management platforms have several functions that provide useful tools to organise and then lighten the load for both managers and workers. Essentially, a task manager is designed to manage one or more tasks from start to finish, covering every aspect of the task. This can include time estimates, task scheduling and various aspects of planning the implementation and completion of the work item.

How can I use Collabow’s Task Management tool?

Collabow’s Task management tool can be used to support both companies and individuals. It allows you to share work that needs to be completed by:

  • Creating projects
  • Adding tasks
  • Setting due dates
  • Assigning responsibility
  • Discuss the details in the chat
  • Sharing cloud-stored files

In this example, I will demonstrate how to use Collabow’s quick and easy task management tool to create a task list for posting a blog.

First, locate the Task Management menu, then click Add Project to create a new project.

Once you have created a project, click the Add Task button. This will open the window below, where you can include information about the task, such as a title, start and due date, sub-tasks, files, web links and priority. You can also delegate tasks by assigning them to someone in your team using the Assignee option.

Once you have assigned a task, the recipient will receive an email notification. From there, they can update the information, comment and keep the task’s status up to date. Once complete, simply mark the task as ‘Done’, and move on to the next most important thing.

We’ve create a short video to show demonstrate Collabow’s task management in action. Enjoy

Top 5 Free File-Sharing Sites in 2024

Best Free File Sharing Sites 2024

  1. Collabow
  2. Google Drive
  3. Dropbox
  4. iCloud
  5. Box
  6. Android Web
  7. WeTransfer
  8. MediaFire

Key Variables To Consider When Selecting a File Site or Program

When deciding which is the best file-sharing solution to solve your business needs. The following considerations will play an essential role in the decision

1. Speed

The speed of file sharing is essential when collaborating online or sharing files remotely. Thankfully, with clickable links, you can instantly share a file. However, speed still matters because how fast you send a file depends on how fast it is uploaded to the cloud storage.

2. Security and Privacy

The security that your data is encrypted and the privacy that no unauthorized user can access your data are also very important. Therefore, when a user selects a tool for file sharing or uses it as cloud storage, security and privacy also matter.

3. File Size and Bandwidth limit

The file size limit shows the maximum size of files that can be shared in one day or once. The bandwidth limit expresses the usage by each user to download the stored data. The higher the file size and bandwidth limit, the better.

4. Cloud Storage Size

Cloud storage size is a general factor that matters when choosing a file-sharing website to collaborate with others or share different file formats remotely.

5. Price

Of course, if a tool is affordable and fits your budget, it will only be worth considering. Therefore, pricing is also an important consideration when choosing a tool.


Collabow is a new file storage service based in the UK and is the most ground-breaking company in the group. The workspace has an intuitive, user-friendly and straightforward design that makes it easy for users to get on board, collaborate and be productive. Managing, sharing, transferring and storing files is streamlined using the file management platform. It comes packed with productivity features, including to-do lists, task management, chat, and timelines.

Pros Cons
Quick and easy file sharing -Mobile app currently unavailable
Access files anywhere with cloud storage Lesser known platform
Compatible with all OS Starter profile doesn’t have all features available in the Pro package
Free storage Better User Interface on laptops and Tablets
Convenient and Easy to use interface  
Frequently added features  
Growing in popularity  
Excellent Customer Service  


Collabow has free and paid versions

Starter (Free)

Pro £5.50/month

Business £8.50/month

Supported OS

Online file sharing site supports Windows, Android, macOS, and iOS

Editor’s Review – Recommended

Collabow is the best free method to transfer files across different devices in a seamless way. It is a web-based tool that is efficient, quick, and intuitive. Whether you want the best free file-sharing website or want to collaborate with team members, Collabow’s web platform is an all-in-one tool. You can share files without the hassle of uploading files from your phone to the web client or downloading your files from the web to your phone. . Collabow is compatible with Mac and Windows and even offers a free plan to users.


Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud storage developed by Google that users can capitalize on to store their data, share large files as a clickable link, and ensure that data is secure. Different space subscriptions offer you data storage according to your needs.

Pros Cons
Easy file sharing with an online file-sharing site No password protection makes it a vulnerable file-sharing tool
Access files anywhere with cloud storage Limit the file size you can upload in a day
Compatible with all OS Internet connection is necessary for real-time sharing
Free storage up to 15 GB  
Convenient and Easy to use interface  


Google Drive has free and paid versions.


Business £8.28/month

Supported OS

Online file sharing site supports Windows, Android, macOS, and iOS

Editor’s Review

Google Drive is a popular free storage that most Android and Windows users capitalize on. File sharing is easy with Google Drive, no matter what size. It is the best personal use file sharing site that can be additionally used to collaborate with your work teams in real-time


DropBox is the next file-sharing website and program that is worth talking about. The tool has improved a lot over time, and currently, you can sync your data across all devices, from smartphones to laptops.

The main features of DropBox are as follows:

  • Upload and easily share your photos, documents, and other files
  • Cloud storage
  • Arrange files in folders for easy access
  • Collaborate with your teams with real-time synchronization
  • File size up to 50 GB
  • Synchronize data across all devices
Pros Cons
Easy file sharing in a secure way Freemium model offers only 2 GB storage
Direct sharing with a clickable link Pricing plans are expensive
Automatic backup and data synchronization across all devices Advanced features like password protection & download tracking are not available
Free plans for limited use  


Here are the pricing plans for Dropbox

Individual (Plus): £7.99/month

Growing teams (Standard): £12/month

Supported OS

Available for all operating systems like Android, iOS, Windows, macOS

Editor’s Review

It is an easy-to-use software with a very intuitive user interface that provides you with better security features and control over file storage and sharing.


iCloud is also an online service based on cloud storage that lets you store files in the way you want. You can upload and share different file formats like photos, documents, music, contacts, books, and much more. Cloud storage automatically creates data backups to avoid any data loss.

The main features of iCloud Drive are as follow:

  • Store and share multiple file formats
  • Apple’s email servers and calendars can also be integrated with iCloud
  • Apple’s inherent tool is also available for other operating systems
  • Password protection to increase the security of your data saved
Intuitive user interface An Internet connection is necessary
Advanced security features Subscription plans can be expensive
Seamless integration across Apple’s ecosystem Works well in Apple interface and devices
Create a backup of any file you want  


50 GB: £0.79/month
200 GB: £2.49/month
2 TB: £6.99/month

Supported OS

iOS, macOS, and Windows.

Editor’s Review

iCloud storage is the best option you can capitalize on for file sharing across Apple devices or other operating systems. No matter what file size you want to share or create a backup, Apple’s iCloud is one of the most secure tools you will come across.


Box is also popular cloud storage that can be capitalized on for file storage, management, and sharing with multiple users for personal or professional use. You can collaborate with different users in real-time regardless of the operating system. Besides, the intuitive user interface is also one reason you should choose Box.

The main features of Box are as follows:

  • File sharing, storage, and backup
  • Advanced security features and controls with intelligent threat detection
  • Seamless integration with over 1400 apps, including popular ones like Slack, GSuite, etc.
  • Share files or collaborate with other users without worrying about confidentiality
Pros Cons
Advanced security for sharing sensitive data Desktop sync can be slower than expected
Upload limit higher than other cloud storage The user interface needs improvement regarding ease of use and speed
Easy to retrieve your lost data Plans are expensive
Supports multiple languages and all regions of the world  

Android Web

The main features of AirDroid web are as follows:

  • Transfer files from one device to another remotely
  • Control other devices remotely with AirDroid Personal Web
  • Screen sharing or mirroring to view your Android screen on a laptop
  • Find Phone feature to locate a lost device
  • Remove data or create backup files remotely
Pros Cons
Intuitive interface for easy navigation File size limit of up to 200 MB
Wireless file transfer across devices Internet speed can affect a file transfer
Advanced security features  
Additional features like screen mirror, remote control, etc.  

Editor Review

AirDroid web is a free tool with multiple capabilities. If you want a solution for more than just file transferring, you must try AirDroid web. Besides, it is the best solution for managing and controlling your device.


WeTransfer is also a file-sharing website and cloud storage that lets you share files easily across different devices and users around the world. Cloud storage offers many interesting features, including deleting or resending transfers, password-protected transfers, etc. You can directly share files or clickable links with anyone with WeTransfer.

The main features of WeTransfer are as follows:

  • You can choose how long to make the transfer available in storage
  • Password-protected transfers make it best for confidentiality
  • Track download feature lets you see how many times transferred files have been downloaded by other users
  • Resend, delete or forward the file transfers
Pros Cons
Control over who can view, edit, or share your transferred files There is no freemium model like other solution providers
Autoexpiring links are secure No password protection protocols
Password-protected transfers Reports of sending large data to the wrong recipients
Intuitive user interface  

Editor Review

If you want to transfer files to multiple people at a time, WeTransfer is a good option. Besides, advanced controls like password protection and auto expiring links make it a good choice for business use and sharing sensitive data. However, if you are looking for a personal file-sharing website, WeTransfer might not be for you.

Media Fire

Last but not least, MediaFire is also trustable third-party cloud storage that can be used for file sharing with different people using other devices. The free tool makes it possible to access your data anytime, anywhere.

The main features of MediaFire are as follows:

  • Easily store, edit, and sort your data for free
  • Unlimited bandwidth and downloads with any subscription
  • You can collaborate with other people, from your colleagues to clients
  • Batch uploading and sharing of files are available.
  • A one-time link maintains the privacy of your data
Pros Cons
A free-to-use tool with unlimited downloads and usage The desktop sync client is not as effective
One-time link limits file sharing with unauthorized people The free version has too many ads
Affordable pricing No file encryption or versioning
Easy to share files of any size  

Editor Review

It is the best choice if you want an inexpensive solution as an independent professional who has to collaborate and share files very often. However, if you are looking for more than file sharing, it might not be an effective solution.


We have shared different tools that can be capitalized on to transfer files remotely from one device to another. You can also share files via email using the tools mentioned. However, Collabow is the best among all due to easy to use interface, free starter profile additional features.

Top 5 Free File-Sharing Platforms in 2024

What is file sharing?

File sharing is the public or private sharing of files or folders on a computer connected to a network. Files can easily be shared outside a network via removable media, but the term file sharing almost always refers to sharing files on a network. File sharing allows several people to use the same file data.

Pros of file-sharing programs


Purchasing physical storage can be expensive. Without the need for hardware, cloud storage is exceptionally cheaper per GB than using external drives.


Using the cloud for storage gives you access to your files from anywhere that has an internet connection.


In the event of a hard drive failure or other hardware malfunction, you can access your files on the cloud. It acts as a backup solution for your local storage on physical drives.

Syncing and Updating

When you are working with cloud storage, every time you make changes to a file, it will be synced and updated across all of your devices from which you access the cloud.


Cloud storage providers add additional layers of security to their services. Since there are many people with files stored on the cloud, these providers go to added lengths to make sure your files don’t get accessed by someone who shouldn’t

Cons of file-sharing programs:

Internet Connection

Cloud-based storage is dependent on having an internet connection. If you are on a slow network you may have issues accessing your storage. In the event you find yourself somewhere without the internet, you won’t be able to access your files.


There are additional costs for uploading and downloading files from the cloud. These can quickly add up if you are trying to access lots of files often.


Support for cloud storage isn’t the best, especially if you are using a free version of a cloud provider. Many providers refer you to a knowledge base or FAQs


When you use a cloud provider, your data is no longer on your physical storage. So who is responsible for making sure that data is secure? That’s a grey area that is still being figured out.


 File-sharing sites provide services to access digital media like photos, videos, documents, etc, from anywhere for its users. It will help you to transfer large files conveniently. It will also help you to collaborate easily worldwide. This article has selected the best file-sharing platforms and highlighted their key features. Use this article to assist you in finding the best file-sharing platform for your requirements.

File Sharing SitesAbout toolMax limitSecurity FeaturesSize of Free sharing /storage allowedFree plan
Collabow.ioEasy to use to share your files around the world.
Useful dashboard,
Secure file sharing,
many other useful features
Options AvailablePassword protection
No third-party tracking
1 GBFree Plan Available
InternxtSecure, encrypted and easy to use.10GB free accountEnd-to-end encryption
10 GB10GB of free storage
pCloudSecure encrypted cloud storage.2 TB StorageTLS/SSL encryption
Password protection
Client-side encryption
10 GB of free spaceFree Plan Available.
Sync.comEasy to Use and Extra Secure.Options AvailableEnd to End Encryption.
No third-party tracking
5 GBFree Plan available
WeTransferSharing your files around the world.Send & receive up to 2 GBPassword protection2 GBFree forever, no storage, & send up to 2 GB
digital workspace for backoffice team

Top Features of a modern cloud-based file management system

Do you want to familiarise yourself with the essential tools and features that should be included in a cloud storage file management system? If so, read on.

Access Anywhere & Direct Downloads

No matter what device you are using or where you are on the planet, as long as you are connected to the internet, you can upload files directly from your smartphone, tablet, laptop or even smartwatch—keeping you connected while working in remote spaces and while you are on the move is a top benefit of cloud-based storage systems.

Version Control

This feature gives you control over the lifespan of your files; it allows you to see who has made changes and when those changes were made, allowing you to fix mistakes by viewing previous versions of files before errors were made. The ability to rewind and forward changes is essential for any document management system.

Verification and Validation

With the rise of bots and impersonators, data verification and validation are becoming even more critical for file sharers. Verifying an email address gives sharers the confidence that the files they received originated from the person they expected and is authentic.

Drag & drop friendly

Sharing a file online should be intuitive, seamless and straightforward.
You shouldn’t need to rummage around for files sitting in nested folders or execute 100 clicks to simply share a file. Collabow makes file sharing easy, all you have to do is drag and drop your files into our file uploader, and we’ll send your sharer an email or create a shareable URL instantly. No stress, no hassle.

Search, Sort and Filter

Some file transfer systems only provide a simple no-frills sharing mechanism. After a short period, the actual file is deleted, and the content is lost forever. The ability to extend the storage window so that the receivers can have extra time to download the file can be the difference between success and failure.  

Password Protected Files

At Collabow, security is of the utmost importance. All registered users can protect their files with a unique password, ensuring that the right people can only access the content. You can set a password on each file in the workspace within a couple of clicks, so it is easy to secure your content with a minimal amount of effort.

Good transfer speeds and bandwidth

Traditional file management systems introduce restrictive file upload and download speeds. does not limit the speed of our Pro or Business users, and we offer incredible transfer speeds for our free users that greatly exceed 1MB per second.

Alerts and Activity log

Information needs to be accurate and timely to make the right decision. We experience hundreds of distractions every day. However, the most critical alerts are usually drowned out by noise. A great file management system should notify you of significant changes to the files you created or followed. These changes are called events and usually include newly added files, changes, shares, access and deletions, mentions in a chat or when you are assigned a new task. provides a handy alerts dashboard notification panel and sends email notifications in real-time.

Multiple Uploads

This is important for people who work with multiple files at any point in time. Rather than uploading one file at a time, it is helpful to have the ability to upload up to 100 files at the same time or upload a folder that contains multiple files. This feature can save people hundreds of hours and make working with cloud storage systems more user-friendly and convenient.


Chat conversations are helpful for collaboration. However, content-based discussions are the most effective solution to boost productivity and get work done. Collabow facilitates discussions that are focused on content rather than channels allowing teams to have a laser focus on a task, objective, goal, design, presentation, video or moving a document from draft to a final version.

Recycle bin

The Recycle Bin is essentially a ‘last chance’ area to recover files you or someone in your team has deleted. Imagine working throughout the night on a business proposal then accidentally hitting the delete button before sharing the file with your business partner. The Recycle Bin requires a confirmation step before the files are finally removed from the system to prevent the accidental deletion of critical data. It is hard to believe that many modern-day cloud storage systems don’t have this vital feature. This functionality is enabled by default for Collabow ‘Pro’ and ‘Business’ users, providing peace of mind and ensuring that data is safe even in an accident. is a Digital Workspace that provides cloud storage, document management, collaboration and task management tools that help teams create, organise, share, and monitor online content in one place. 
A highly engaged team is the holy grail of business success, so ensure your teams have the information to achieve their goals by using

We like free stuff, so we’ve provided a ‘Starter’ profile that will get you started. The ‘Starter’ profile is free, so you can use it for business, play or personal usage. You can learn more about our packages at more about the available features here.

How to share and transfer file

How to share and transfer a file

Do you want to know how to share a file online? If so, use the guide below.

In a world of constant content creation and remote workspaces, the ability to quickly share a document with someone either across the room or across the globe is imperative for success.
Rapid and reliable information sharing allows us to make informed business decisions and efficiently communicate our ideas which helps us gain a competitive advantage.

During the first half of 2022, we observed a significant increase in information sharing and online business activity. People are sharing and consuming documents in large quantities daily. Those documents range from business proposals, training material, research documents, project plans, to-do lists, design documents, meeting notes, analytical reports and customer information packs.
Documents play a critical role in facilitating any business’s proper functioning and success. Collabow helps companies get work done by allowing people to seamlessly share files of all sizes to contacts in any location using our cloud-based file management system and C-Share app. This free app is designed specifically for rapid file sharing with minimum fuss. This post is focused on the best and most efficient way to share a file over the internet (without registering) in a few simple steps.

Users that opt to register with Collabow can utilise additional file-sharing features and storage. Click here to watch a useful How-To video.

Step 1 – Open C-Share App

The first step is to open the C-Share web app. You can access it here:

Step 2 – Select file or folder to share

The next step is to select the file that you want to share. The c-share app supports drag and drop, so drop your file in the box and hey presto.
To make things easy, we’ve recently added a feature that allows you to share the contents of a folder without creating .zip files or doing anything complicated.

Step 3 – Share using an Email or URL Transfer-Link

Here, you can share the file directly to a user by email or sharing a ‘Transfer Link’.

  • ‘Email’ is where the system sends the receiver an email with the details and a friendly message
  • ‘Transfer-Link’ is where the app uploads the file to the cloud then generates a URL link that allows anyone with the secure link to view the file. This is an excellent option if you want to share the file with a broad audience or post it in a channel for the team to access, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Facetime, Zoom, Slack, Skype, Asana, emails, blogs etc. The options are endless.

Step 4 – Enter the sharers contact email

Time to enter the sharer details. First, enter the address you want to send the file to; this is called the ‘receiver’, then enter your email address to validate the transfer; this person is called the ‘sharer’. You can personalise the share by typing a short message such as “Hi Pete, here is the file I promised you”.

Share 5 – Boring part

Confirm that you’ve read the legal jargon to understand the standard Collabow c-share terms and conditions. Your uploaded files are stored for a short period before they are recycled. We also need you to prove that you are not an evil robot sent to destroy the internet by clicking the reCaptcha checkbox then clicking the big ‘Share’ button.

Step 6 – Verify your file share

The system must validate everyone who uses the site for security reasons, so before sharing the file, we will send you a six-digit code to validate the transfer. Check your email, enter the code then your file will be sent.

If you are using C-Share for the first time, remember to check your spam and add us to your allowed list for future shares.

Step 7 – Congratulations on sharing your first file

As a final step, we like to confirm that your file was sent successfully, so we usually send you a notification email confirming the details on the screen and the receiver will be sent an email link to access the file.

All done – is a Digital Workspace that provides cloud storage, document management, collaboration and task management tools that help teams create, organise, share, and monitor online content in one place. 
A highly engaged team is the holy grail of business success, so ensure your teams have the information to achieve their goals by using

We like free stuff, so we’ve provided a ‘Starter’ profile that will get you started. The ‘Starter’ profile is free, so you can use it for business, play or personal usage. You can learn more about our packages at more about the available features here.

We like free stuff, so we’ve provided a ‘Starter’ profile that will get you started. The ‘Starter’ profile is free, so you can use it to play or until you run out of storage. Read more about the workspace features here:


cloud storage background

Best alternatives to WeTransfer

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to send a file to a friend, team, company or transfer data between devices? If so, look no further.

WeTransfer is one of the world’s most popular file-sharing apps used across the creative industry. WeTransfer was founded over a decade ago and provide a simple way to send big files. They initially focused on file-sharing and have since developed several productivity tools. As the WeTransfer brand has grown and their price plans have increased to reflect the corporation’s growing size, we are aware that users are constantly seeking innovative alternative products that can adapt quickly to changing environments. As a result, we compiled a list of our favourite alternative products. These apps offer slightly different methods so you can transfer files as fast as possible.

Most users already have cloud storage services like Box, Dropbox and Google Drive, but they can often be overkill for a simple use-case.

C-Share (by

C-Share was designed from the ground up to be a quick and easy file cloud-based sharing service that allows users to share digital content (files, documents, attachments, images, music, video – and more) in real-time, at any time and to any location across the globe.
Documents are stored in the cloud for seven days at no cost, and shareable URLs are immediately available and accessible. Collabow offers maximum useability, transfer speeds and maximum performance. The shareable file service is free of charge, and you don’t need to log in or register to send files. Shareable links are validated using an authentication code to ensure that you receive the proper documents from your contacts. Users who need a longer-term solution can create a Collabow account and store their files permanently in the cloud-storage file management workspace. Collabow has a free popular ‘Starter’ profile and provides the option to upgrade to professional packages to unlock 10GB of storage. is a file-sharing service that allows users to upload files without constraints, safely & anonymously. Documents are encrypted & stored safely in the cloud, for 30 days at no cost, and permanently for expert users: UploadFiles support documents, images, music & video.
As a guest user, your file upload(s) will be hosted for a maximum of 30 days. Using the service, you’ll be aware that they fund the service using advertisements and promotions such as VPN services and other similar products. Similar to Collabow, you have the option to upgrade and unlock the complete set of file sharing features which include 10GB of Storage space.


We’ve thrown a slightly different solution into the mix for consideration. SHAREit is an application that needs to be installed on a compatible device rather than a cloud web app. It isn’t for everyone but allows users to send pictures and music without using an active internet or Bluetooth connection. SHAREit is a technology company founded in April 2015. The business created an app that can be used with various smartphone programs to enable users to share files between devices directly. The free program uses a private hotspot to share between up to five devices. You can send data of all shapes and sizes. Be aware that this is a Windows application, so you’ll need a Windows PC or compatible device. If you have Mac or iPhone, we recommend avoiding this option until they have developed a more compatible solution.


A file-sharing application that takes an easy, quick, and unlimited approach to file sharing. Similar to SHAREit, this is a file-based sharing application and peer-to-peer. You’ll need to download the application then register to utilise the bundle. Some cloud sharing or storage services often promise unlimited file storing and sharing, but their speeds and usability are compromised. Send Anywhere is for anyone wanting to share quality content quickly, from any device to anyone worldwide. Send Anywhere utilises p2p media and your local area network to bypass cloud storage, thereby making the transfer process more secure and quicker, and it doesn’t require a login or registration. is a new cloud storage, document management, collaboration and task management system that helps teams create, organise, share, and monitor online content in one place. A highly engaged team is the holy grail of business success, so ensure that your teams have the information to achieve their goals. We recommend using workspace for teams and companies that need extra features, including permission management, file tracking, collaboration, and business functions.

We like free stuff, so we’ve provided a ‘Starter’ profile that will get you started. The ‘Starter’ profile is free, so you can use it to play or until you run out of storage. Read more about the workspace features here:

sales team digital workspace

2024 Best Free 5 File Sharing Sites to Upload, Store and Transfer Files

Are you looking for free file sharing sites? Here is our list of the top five

The number of files that are shared across the internet has exploded. People are sharing and collaborating on more content than ever before. This figure is driven higher by the large number of people that continue to work from home, operate in modern remote workspaces, community communication, increased awareness of carbon footprints, and friends or families who enjoy sharing memories.
The combination of the internet, people embracing new ways of working and innovation has resulted in technology companies developing new tools that allow anyone to share files quickly and seamlessly over the internet.

Here we look at the best free file sharing sites. To help with your journey, we’ve highlighted their best features and showed how they compare against one another.

  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Box

Collabow is a new file storage service based in the UK and is the most ground-breaking company in the group.
The workspace has an intuitive, user-friendly and straightforward design that makes it easy for users to get on board, collaborate and be productive. Managing, sharing, transferring and storing files is streamlined using the file management platform. It comes packed with productivity features, including to-do lists, task management, chat, and timelines.

Collabow has a starter profile with 100MB of reusable storage, and you can transfer files that are up to 2GB in size. This should be sufficient to get started, and you can easily upgrade to a professional or business plan for more storage options and enterprise features.

The platform has hundreds of useful features, and the product team continue to innovate and regularly introduce new enhancements as requested by the user community. The platform has a nifty filesharing web app called C-Share that can be used for rapid one-off file sharing. An added benefit is that you don’t need a Collabow account to receive files or use C-Share. Win-Win.

Google Drive

We will start with the most comprehensive file sharing service on the internet. Google Drive is powered by Google’s cloud storage and allows anyone to store documents, files, audio, video and everything else in between. Google Drive comes equipped with a suite of cloud-native applications at your disposal if you need them.
You can access your files via their website or mobile apps to access content from anywhere, anytime and on any device. Google offers tons of free space, and you can always upgrade your storage if you need more.
In our experience, users will typically use Google to share a folder that contains multiple files and then use a more specialist tool such as weTransfer to share individual files.


Dropbox was founded in 2007 and are headquartered in San Francisco. Since they launched as a start-up, they have delivered various cloud storage and synchronisation solutions.

They have grown to be a giant in the file-sharing space and offers desktop clients and mobile apps to keep files accessible. Dropbox has grown because they have managed to keep hold of their early adopters with intuitive functionality that allows users to store, share and collaborate with teams and clients.

The Basic plan can be used for casual users and provides 2 GB of space for free. The Work, Plus, and Family plans have more room for storing photos and video and good integration options.

Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft is, without a doubt, one of the largest software companies on the planet. They continue to reinvent themselves and produce enterprise-ready products that integrate well with existing solutions. To ensure they keep up with the competition, Microsoft created OneDrive, which is their safe and secure cloud storage service and answer to Google Drive.

As with most Microsoft products, you can access your files on any device and anywhere. Microsoft provides secure ways to share and collaborate on content with co-workers, colleagues, and business to business. They have a good platform. However, we find that the solution is not suitable for everyone because of the size of the ecosystem. On the plus side, their collaboration features are awe-inspiring, and if you are a Microsoft fan, you will experience good productivity by using their entire suite of tools.


Box has a solution that empowers teams by making it easier to work with people inside and outside organisations while protecting content and connecting business applications. This solution is geared towards the professional and business user and is often compared with Dropbox and One Drive for business. In our experience, the difference between the solutions is that Box is designed for the IT sector, Dropbox caters for creatives, and OneDrive is suitable for businesses that are tapped into the eco-system.
The security and privacy features of Box are fully functional. Box is used by some of the largest organisations that utilise workflow functionality and integrations. Box allows seamless transfer of data from your PC to the Box cloud. You can invite teammates to collaborate, join in on any conversation, or edit files together for better results and understanding.
The Business plan starts at £16 per user per month, and Enterprise plans cost £37.50. This is the top end pricing for cloud storage solutions so businesses willing to pay this amount would be expected to get the maximum benefits from the tools within the platform such as content management and data protection. is a Digital Workspace that provides cloud storage, document management, collaboration and task management tools that help teams create, organise, share, and monitor online content in one place. 
A highly engaged team is the holy grail of business success, so ensure your teams have the information to achieve their goals by using

We like free stuff, so we’ve provided a ‘Starter’ profile that will get you started. The ‘Starter’ profile is free, so you can use it for business, play or personal usage. You can learn more about our packages at more about the available features here.

We like free stuff, so we’ve provided a ‘Starter’ profile that will get you started. The ‘Starter’ profile is free, so you can use it to play or until you run out of storage. Read more about the workspace features here:

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